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Toby’s Bar is now Mustang Bar

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In the middle of October we posted a photo of the new signage for the Mustang Bar (formerly known as Toby’s Bar) on The Hub Facebook page and the wave of rage and disappointment was overwhelming, so we went straight to the source to clear up so many of the questions and concerns that were shared. Manager and longtime Toby’s employee, Christine Dillard, shared the details concerning the name change and plans for the future. Many worried that Toby’s would be turned into a “yuppie college bar”. First of all, if everyone that complained online would attend regularly, then it’s safe to say that your every whim would be catered to. If you went there “all the time” 2 years ago, then what difference should it really make to you now? Regardless, everyone can rest assured that the biggest changes on the horizon consist of adding a “bar food” kitchen (which sounds like an improvement) and MAYBE switching places with the pool tables and shuffle board along with some minor decor upgrades (which are desperately needed). SO WHY THE NAME CHANGE??  The business sold in early June, but the previous owners did not want to sell the name with the business, so the name had to change. When you are the closest bar to a university, doesn’t it kinda make sense that you might want to cater to that demographic? Along comes Mustang Bar. Mustang Bar plans to bring back that live music atmosphere that was once great at Toby’s. So log off of Facebook and go see for yourself. Make Toby’s great again!  I mean, make Mustang Bar great!!!! You can still call it Toby’s. Just go have a great time.
