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Meals on Wheels – “So no senior goes hungry”

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Perhaps one of the most important “kitchens” in the Wichita Falls area, The Kitchen houses four different charitable outlets: The Red Door, which feeds seniors at a central Wichita Falls location, The Green Door, which feeds seniors on the east side of town, Meals On Wheels, which feeds seniors that are not able to leave their homes, and the Food Bank, which provides 650 after school meals each day for school children through the Kid’s Cafe.
The Food Bank prepares a total of 1700 meals per day.  Through Texoma Gives, The Kitchen recently raised $11,142, which will allow them to launch their weekend meal delivery. Their current funding has only allowed them to run Monday through Friday, which leaves many citizens hungry on the weekend.

Meals On Wheels has 58 routes with 326 volunteers every week and serves up to 850 meals a day with nobody on a waiting list. However, ten thousand baby boomers are retiring every day in the United States, so the need is growing in communities all across our country . It’s safe to say they could use a larger kitchen and more volunteers.
If you or your business are interested in helping The Kitchen meet the needs of so many local seniors, many of which are WW2 veterans, please contact them at (940) 322-6232.